Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Next week is production week, which means I actually need to start producing my first english project. This blog post will serve to explain which genre I will chose and what I will need to do to complete it.

1 For project one, I am going to create a Quick Reference Guide. I feel like this project fits the best with a Quick Reference Guide (QRG) because it is an easy way to present the facts from both sides, and include all of your sources and outside information easily. Also, I have never created one of these before so because I feel the least comfortable with it, I just want to get it out of the way.

2 Next week, during production, I plan to include a creative title, a good layout that is easy to follow and understand, subheads, citations, a short introduction to my topic, hyperlinks that help corroborate my facts, graphics to make it more entertaining, and hopefully I will put it in a question/answer format. To accomplish the purpose of the project, I want to make my QRG short and sweet. That being said, there are a lot of different factors so I know it won't be too short, but I will only be putting in what is necessary. I also plan on adding a lot of pictures and graphs to make my QRG more visually pleasing and I want the reader to be engaged. I will also be adding hyperlinks to my sources so it is easy to see where I am getting my information.

3 To be honest, I'm actually really stressed out for project 1. However, now that I have finally found my topic, I feel a bit more prepared and a little weight has been taken off of my shoulders. I'm worried because this is a lot of work and a huge time commitment. Also, with never having created a QRG, I am worried that it won't be formatted the right way or something about it might just be wrong because I don't have experience with them. Time management will be a huge challenge this week, but I just hope that I can space everything out so it doesn't pile up with everything else that I have on my plate.
I am very excited to get this project over with because it will give me a better feel for the class once this is graded and I see what is being asked of me over the rest of the semester.

Bottled_void. "Stress" 01/19/2008 via Flickr
Public Domain Dedication License

Cluster of Stakeholders

For my cluster, I created a Coogle that shows who is affected by the passing of Amendment 64 in Colorado. I showed all of the stakeholders that are involved with the legalization of marijuana. After each of the stake holders I provided their relationship, bias, opinion, gains and losses focusing on passing Amendment 64 and how it has affected the state of Colorado.

To access my full Coogle, please click here.

LoCricchio, Jianna "Coogle for Colorado Amendment 64" 01/31/2015

Evaluation of General Sources

After countless hours of pondering ideas and researching controversies, I have decided to settle on the legalization of pot in Colorado and how it has effected the state in social and economic aspects. I spent so much time researching controversial business topics, business scandals, and political controversies, but I think that the legalization of pot in Colorado is the most interesting for me. I am from Colorado, so I have seen exactly what it has done to our state and all of the changes it has made, not only for money purposes, but how it has affected out population. Because Colorado was the first state to legalize marijuana, we have been the United State's guinea pig.
ClickerFreeVectorImages, "Cbanibus Sativa, Marijuana, Weed." 07/29/2014 via pixabay
Public Domain 

The first source I chose to focus on is from 2012 when Amendment 64 (the legalization of marijuana in Colorado) passed called Amendment 64 Passes: Colorado Legalizes Marijuana for Recreational Use. This article explains what the passing of this amendment meant and what it would do for the state of Colorado.
URL: This URL leads to the, because it ends with ".com" it isn't special because anyone can make a URL that ends with ".com" but because it comes from the Huffington Post, I would stay that it is a very credible website because it is a well known news outlet.
Author: The author of this piece is named Matt Ferner and has the title of National Reporter for the Huffington Post. If you click on his name, you can see that he has written many articles for the news outlet. It also says that he is a graduate from both the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the University of California, Los Angeles. Matt Ferner was also the previous editor of the HuffPost Denver.
Last Updated: This article was last updated on November 20, 2012 after the passing of Amendment 64. All of the links in the article still work and take you to different sources that explain the legalization of pot, different interviews, polls on the amendment, and other articles that back up their claims.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform the readers that Colorado was the first state to legalize pot and what it will do for the State. It also serves to inform readers the goals from the state due to the legalization of pot and what the state wants to accomplish. This article doesn't appear to be promoting the legalization of pot, it is more to inform the readers as to the results of legalizing marijuana and what the conflicts are
Graphics: There are no direct graphics on the article. In some of the links that the article provides, there are different graphs and pictures that show grow houses and pot.
Position on Subject: The source of this story doesn't seem to be biased in a anyway. He presents the facts and talks about what the legalization of pot will do. The source doesn't really get into any social aspects and sticks to talking about the economy so I think that he was only here to talk about the legalization of pot. This article only talks about the passing of the amendment and the state's goals, not the side effects or the concerns with passing Amendment 64.
Links: This article has many links that serve to back up statements that were made in the article. Some of the links lead to other Huffington Post articles which could be seen as bias, but some of the links lead to outside sources and polls that were conducted by other news agencies. Because this story has a lot of links that go to a variety of sources, I would say that this article is very well informed and should be trusted to provide the facts. The article does cite reputable sources and explains how that source is vital to in understanding the claim.

The second source I chose to focus on is called Status Report: Marijuana Legalization in Colorado After One Year of Retail Sales and Two Years of Decriminalization. This article focuses on what has happened in the state of Colorado one year after opening it's first retail store. This article shows how the sales of marijuana have increased tax revenue, and have decreased crime.  
URL: The URL of this article is I learned that ".org" means it represents an organization rather than for commercial purposes like ".com". I always thought that ".org" gave the website more credibility, but any organization can use that domain. However, I found that Drug Policy Alliance is a non-profit organization based in New York City, led by Ethan Nadelmann who's goal is to end America's War on Drugs.
Author: This article doesn't state the author of the piece, but, the website is created by a man named Ethan Nadelmann. Ethan Nadelman got his B.A., J.D., and Ph.D from Harvard University and got his masters degree in international relations from the London School of Economics. He also taught at Princeton University.
Last Updated: The Web page does not state when the article was last updated and there we're no links on the page.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to persuade the reader into thinking that the legalization of marijuana in Colorado has only done good things. This article was written to show the positive effects that the legalization has had on crime rate, tax revenue and decreases in traffic fatalities (I don't know how they would connect the two).
Graphics: There are no graphics.
Position on Subject: Ethan Nadelmann was once called the "driving force for the legalization of marijuana in America" by the Rolling Stone. With that in mind, I would have to say that this article was very biased. For instance, it talked about how car fatalities have gone down since the legalization of recreational marijuana, but there is no proof that has anything to do with legalizing pot. This article only supports positive claims for the legalization and does not address anything negative.  If the viewers of this website believe all the information is true, this can help other states legalize marijuana. I would have to say that most of the sources that this article sites are creditable, but they only account for one side of the story.
Links: There are no links provided. Sources are credited at the end of the paper and if you follow the URL's they mostly take you to credible news sources, but some say things like "email communication" which can't really be seen as a source because it doesn't provide the emails.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

As I continue to search for a controversial business/politics story, I will turn to Reddit in hope of finding something there for me to write about. I have never actually been on Reddit before and I'm still trying to figure out how it works, but its basically like Facebook where people post stories and others weigh in with their opinion.


While searching on Reddit, I looked up politics and clicked the 'controversial' tab. Simple as pie. And the stories were all about Trump, Sanders, and Clinton. They had links to different stories about why each one sucks or why they have some potential. Under each story I found I chose to read the comments from the people of Reddit and tried to understand where they were coming from. Most of the comments are really short and they were actually a lot more formal than I would have expected (nothing compared to the people on Facebook). In the Reddit forum, most of the stories that I saw were stories about ridiculous claims against each candidate and then the people in the comments would set the story right. They gave clear and concise reasons why the article was bias or if it was just plain bullshit. However, I even saw some people change their opinions and agree with the opposite side while having a conversation with the other Reddit users. 


One of the more interesting stories that I read was titled Hillary Manager Predicts Trump Will Win Presidency if Nominated. After reading most of the comments I got a clear view on why I think that this article was written. I found this interesting right off the bat because it is saying that basically Hillary's manager doesn't even have faith in her and he's basically accepting defeat before the battle. The article may have been written to draw fear from the Hillary supporters to get them to send her more money, but he may actually believe it...which is kind of sad. I know that a lot if people really hate Trump but I'm finding out that not so many people like Hillary, and not a lot of people are even seeing Bernie Sanders as an actual opponent. The comments on this thread were actually pretty entertaining, although some had good political points, most people just joked around and kept the air light.

The second article that I found really interesting was called Hillary's Email Scandal Now Potentially a Matter of High Treason. If you follow the news at all, or if you've heard that Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States, you should know the whole scandal with her email server and how the FBI may be charging her and taking her down. I found this interesting because there has been reports of rumors saying that the FBI will be taking down Hillary during the heat of the general election. I think it's funny because she's going to be on stage one day giving a speech and then all of a sudden, the FBI will come running in and will take her down (at least that's how I'm imagining it). How could it not be interesting to maybe see a potential presidential candidate be tried for Treason by the US government and maybe sentenced to death. That is definitely something I would watch on TV.

I looked for awhile under the Business section of Reddit and I just didn't see anything that controversial going on so I knew that if I went to politics, I would find something juicy. I have no prior experience with Reddit so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I decided that Reddit is just a more professional Facebook with more evidence and articles to corroborate people's opinions. I thought that everything on the forums were very recent controversies happening in politics and I thought that they talked about the current matters very well. I also thought that the people commenting weren't just commenting to comment, they had a real, well informed opinion that they thought was worth sharing. Some comments however, were there for entertainment purposes and I really enjoyed them. 

Will we find someone worthy to become our next President? Or have we already lost hope...
Wang, Jiuguang. "White House North Portico" 05/27/2010 via flickr.
Public Domain Dedication License

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories

Controversy. It's all around us, and scandals sell. Online news magazines are the best way to find out what is going on right now, and who it's pissing off. After going through many websites, I decided that I would focus on an article from The Atlantic called Barbie's Hips Don't Lie which is all about Mattel's new Barbies. The other article I chose to write about is from the National Review titled, Feds: Remove 'He' and 'She' from Labor Regs to 'Avoid the Gender Binary' which explains how the government wants to remove the articles of 'he' and 'she' from anti-discrimination regulation.

It's Barbie...but different

1) Everyone knows who Barbie is. She's a tall, beautiful, skinny blonde who get's whatever she wants and holds the heart of just about every six year old girl in the country. Barbie has always been an iconic symbol for girls around the world even though her looks aren't very realistic. Lately there has been a lot of problems concerning the appearance of Barbie and how it effects the perception of little girl's dreams for their own appearance. So what's the solution? Well Mattel (the creator of Barbie) has just released that Barbie will now be diverse. She is going to be coming out in all new sizes and skin colors to help her represent the diverse girls who play with her. People are still wondering why it even took Mattel so long to redesign Barbie to be more realistic. Are they just copying American Girl because their stocks have been falling?

2) In this article, I would have to say the most sympathetic person in the story are the girls who are buying Barbie. It's taken so long for a new more realistic Barbie to come out, that it almost feels like they were created because they had to make something different to keep their buyers, not because they realized that Barbie wasn't an achievable role model. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like Barbie, I wanted the nice clothes, the amazing 4 story house (with elevator), the hottest guy in town, and a rockin' bod. But because I have brown hair and I developed hips as a young kid, I never thought that image was achievable. So not only the dreams of the body and looks went away, the hopes of a wealthy future went right down the drain. I have honestly always been a little jealous of blonde hair, blue-eyed girls because they were what I idolized as a kid. They were the definition of beauty.

3) I'm not sure if I actually buy the fact that Mattel created the new curvy and diverse Barbie because they wanted to give little girls more accurate representations of their future. If they really wanted to do that and help girls be more comfortable with themselves, this would have happened a long time ago. Because let's face it, diversity isn't new. I think that Mattel created diverse Barbie to try and save their stocks and become more politically correct. I guess I just can't believe that they did this because they knew it was the right thing to do. I think they saw their money dwindling and they thought this would save their asses. 

Madelineyoki "Collete-Barbie-and-Ken" 9/8/2009 via flickr
Public Domain Dedication License

He? She? Not Anymore

1) What is going wrong with this country? Trick question... a lot of things are going wrong in this country, but a big thing is it is just getting too politically correct. The Fed has decided that business's must now take the words 'he' and 'she' out of their notices so they can avoid the 'gender binary'. So basically, I guess it's now offensive to call a person 'he' or 'she' even though it describes their gender...but can't describe someone by their gender anymore. Why? Because who the hell knows. IT COULD OBVIOUSLY OFFEND SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!! The Washington Free Beacon states that changing gender identifiers to something like 'individual' or 'person' is going to cost job centers to spend at millions of dollars to update their posters and notices. This rule was released on Tuesday January 26th and it will be open for public comment until March 28th. 

2) After reading this story, I feel sympathy for myself, other americans, and business owners. This is going to cost millions and even billions of dollars for businesses and tax payers to change posters and notices and applications. And for what? So a couple of people don't get offended by a text saying 'individual' instead of saying 'he or she'? That's absurd. If you're born a girl and you want to be identified as a boy, then fine, call yourself a boy, have others call you a boy, but don't be offended when you see gender identifying words such as 'man' or 'women' written down on a piece of paper. Find a bigger battle to fight. People are becoming too sensitive over the stupidest things and it is running our country. 

3) I don't sympathize here with the government or the people who are getting offended enough to complain and make this a real thing. I just can't bring myself to understand how people have so much time on their hands that they have to find the most ridiculous thing to be offended about and complain to the government so they can write up some legislation to control us more. I just really don't understand how the words 'he' or 'she' can offend someone.

Has our political correctness gone too far?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Twitter and What I found there

Twitter. The only place that people can share their opinions but are limited to only 140 characters. This is the place that people come together to share their likes, dislikes, and cute pictures of their animals. Twitter is social media, but that doesn't stop it from becoming a great advertising center or from being a great place to find information on just about anything. WARNING not everything you see can be backed up by facts! (most of what you see on Twitter is actually nonsense)

When I searched for entrpreneurship Twitter accounts I found one called the Young Entrepreneur @YoungEnt. It is a twitter page that brings young entrepreneur's together so they can help start and grow their ideas for a new business. All of their tweets lead you to stories about positive thinking and how to better yourself. This is actually a really great page to follow even if you're not an entrepreneur because it has plenty of links that encourage you to do the best work you can, but to also take time for yourself. Many of the entrepreneur Twitter's actually have their header as #WomentoWatch and it is there to empower women in the Business industry and shows successful women doing what they love. Honestly though, if you ask me, it shouldn't be #WomentoWatch, it should be #PeopletoWatch. I know that feminism is really popular right now, and don't get me wrong, I'm a girl and I believe in equal rights...but because I believe in equal rights, why put so much emphasis and praise on women doing normal things...isn't that still sexist? 

If you just search Business on Twitter, you can click on the news feed and it pops up with all sorts of stories going on in the business industry right now. The top couple of stories are about how gas prices are still falling (so far that apparently one salmon costs more than a barrel of oil) and there are A LOT of stories on politics. A lot of the Twitter debates that are going on right now are concerning the presidential candidates, because really, how couldn't you talk about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders? 

One story that I found on Bloomberg's Twitter was North Korea May Be Preparing Missile Launch. If you click on the link that goes to Bloomberg's news website, there is a story that states that North Korea may be getting ready to launch a long range ballistic missile. Through satellite imagery, we have seen that they have already tried to launch four missiles to prepare for this one. But honestly, I'm not worried. North Korea is so lacking in technology that their missile couldn't cause much harm because we (the US or China) has far superior technology and we could take the missile down before it actually caused any harm. I really liked this article because I'm interested in world news and I think that North Korea having a long range missile is interesting. No, I'm not scared and I don't think people should be scared, but I do think that it's worth reading into. 

When I think of the words interesting and news together in a sentence, my mind immediately goes to politics. With a frontrunner like Donald Trump, you really have no excuse not to find something interesting to read about involving him. Right now in the news, the big story is the feud between Fox News and Donald Trump (which is funny because they are both conservative). The New York Times is running the story on their Twitter and calls it Fox News vs. Trump: Setting Free the Golden Goose. Basically the whole problem is the fact that Donald Trump told Fox News that he wouldn't participate in the debate on Thursday night if it was hosted by Megan Kelly (who he thinks is unfair and tweets about here). I find this whole story interesting because Donald Trump keeps tweeting about the feud, calling Fox childish, and a whole bunch of other adjectives. I think it's really funny to watch two people on the same side fight on the internet, because you get to read the comments from people on both sides and its absolutely hilarious. 

On the entrepreneurship accounts, I feel like it is very business-like and professional. Most of the links go to interesting credited articles and I feel like it is a good place to explore when you are interested in entrepreneurship! When you get to the business side of Twitter, it gets more interesting. The business accounts tweet things that are controversial and stories that people have an opinion on, so most of the comments aren't professional and some get quite nasty. Then you have people like Donald Trump who speaks his mind (which is quite admirable/ballsy, especially for someone who is being watched by the world) and just Tweets whatever the hell is on his mind. Some of the time, his Tweets are really funny and entertaining, but they are't really something that I would expect my next President to Tweet. From real news Twitter's they are still very professional, which was expected, but from the comments and the actually feeds of conversations they are very laid back. But it does make sense to be laid back on social media, because really, how professional can you be if you only have 140 characters? 
Arnold, Karen. "Business World Map Business Man" 4/5/2015 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

This week in the New York Times, I focused on two stories. The first, Panel Calls for Depression Screenings During and After Pregnancy, in the Health section focuses on screening women for depression through pregnancy to help reduce risk for depression after pregnancy or to pass their depression onto their child. The second story, Twitter Recruits a Chief Marketing Officer From American Express, in the Tech section, talks about how Twitter continues to reshape its top ranks under Jack Dorsey to help Twitter stop falling.

1. The main character of the article is a woman named Marissa Mead from Dalles, Oregon. The New York Times uses Marissa as an example to show the need for screening women for mental diseases. Shortly after giving birth to her first child, Marissa developed postmortem depression and when she had her second son, her symptoms got much worse. The New York Times uses Marissa to bring a personal story to the article to help connect people to the problem and make them think more about the need for screening women during pregnancy.

2. This article focuses on getting women all over the united states screened. The location of the panel that called for the screenings isn't stated, however they do say that New York has laws that encourage screenings for mental illnesses and New Jersey is the only state that requires screening. Marissa Mead's story takes place in Oregon and another women who is briefly mentioned at the end, Jenna Berendzen, is from Iowa. 

3. There isn't really any debate in this story. Most hospitals don't have the time or the funding to provide screening for all pregnant woman, and not everyone thinks this should be mandatory. However, this article just states that pregnant women should be screened for depression to help find them an effective treatment for their depression before they give birth and it escalates. The women who are interviewed mostly tell their story about how they became severely depressed after giving brith and wished they could have found a treatment sooner. 

1. This article focuses on Twitter's new addition to their team.  Twitter has announced that it has made Leslie Berland chief marketing officer. This story is all about her and how she got to Twitter. Leslie was and executive at American Express and was involved in marketing and advertising. 

2. The setting is the world of Twitter. This article tells about it's new member, Leslie Berland, and how she has come to Twitter in its time of distress. She is there to help Twitter get back on their feet.

3. For this article as well, there isn't really anything controversial going on. Leslie Berland was appointed as chief marketing officer because they need to do some serious revamping to help Twitter's stocks from falling any further. 

Eldh, Andreas. "The Twitter Bird" 6/20/2011 via Flickr
Public Domain Dedication License

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Course Projects

1. Projects. It's a hateful word that sends chills down your spine and makes you build with anxiety and thoughts of how you are going to get through the next couple of weeks. The thing I'm the most nervous about isn't really anything in particular, its more of the general concept of all the projects. How will I do on them? How will I find the time? How quickly will my life get complicated? These are all the questions that I think about when I hear that another project is right around the corner. If I were to pick the one project that really freaks me out, I would have to say the Rhetorical Investigation. I feel like it's going to be hard to get interviews with professors and grad students, because I'm in the business field, and we all know that business people love to fill their schedules.

2. I'm actually really excited to do the Public Argument project. I know it is worth the most of my grade (which is intimidating) but I feel like I'm pretty good at arguing, so I have some confidence. I think it will be really cool to do a project about telling the world your point of view, even if it is the unpopular one. I think that having an opinion on an issue is extremely important and if you have the opportunity to share it, spill your heart out.

3. One of my best strengths is time management. I don't think I will have much of a problem fitting these projects into my schedule, even though they will take up a lot of my time. Research is going to take up the most time. But once I finally find the topic or controversy, it's all downhill from there. I will definitely have to plan to find an adequate amount of time to find a topic that I'm interested in, or else the rest of the project will probably be so boring I'll want to jump into shark infested waters, just to get some excitement back in my life. I will also have to find the time to research people I want to interview for the first project, and I have to make sure their schedule works with mine.

4. I took a few AP english courses in high school so I think that will give me a bit of an advantage when it comes to planning my projects and keeping my time managed. I did a lot of writing in high school and I took a class on video production so I think that will be of some use to me after all! I know that I'm really good at doing a project once I find my topic, and then I can just get everything done without much stress. I'm also really good at planning ahead so I won't let the work pile up (I hope) and I can spend more time putting in thought and effort.

5. I wish that the project descriptions came with an example or more hints on where to take these prompts because they seem a little vague to me. As much as I love to do what I want, I need a little more direction when it comes to class work or else I get a bit frazzled and feel as though I've fallen, and I have no desire to get up.

Reflection: After reading some of my class-mates' blogs, I have found that I am not alone. I am no where near as frightened as I was because I know that if we go down, we all go down together. But I think we are all going to do well if we figure out how to plan accordingly to all the deadlines and around our busy schedules. Eyal Ron taught me that you just have to knock the project away bit-by-bit and you'll be fine. If I just stick to a schedule and get parts done piece by piece, I shouldn't have a problem with the stress of overworking. I also feel that Amelia Moskowitz and I have a similar thinking strategy and we have the same interests and fears. This is very comforting because we can maybe learn to help each other out and succeed together.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Investigating Genres

1. Want to know the easiest and most entertaining way to get a message across? Make a video and put it on the inter-web! With technology taking over everyone starting at age two (due to questionable parenting), the best way to make your message heard is to put it in a video. Why? Well its effortless for the viewer and usually they will find more entertainment in watching a two minute video than reading a dusty old newspaper. The Video Essay genre serves to get a message across through visual and auditory senses so the viewer doesn't have to read anything. They can just sit back, relax and listen to you talk about whatever the hell you want.

2. The internet is a glorious place. It's filled with facts, nonsense, and a lot of emotion. To find a Video Essay, you don't have to do much searching and your best bet is YouTube. Video Essay's can be found all over though, you can get them off someone's Myspace (if anyone still has an account), Facebook, YouTube page and they're even on news websites like CNN or BBC. Readers only have to type what they want to learn about into a search engine and then click on the "video" button on the top and voilĂ ! The Video Essay universe is at your fingertips (literally).

3. Because young people are more "tech savvy" I would say that the Video Essay genre is more aimed at young adults. That being said, anyone with access to the internet can find one so really, it's there for everyone.

4. What makes the Video Essay genre different from other genres is that it is a visual experience. It might not always be entertaining, but it's way easier to watch a video and listen to someone talk to you rather than reading an essay to yourself. Video Essays make it easy for information to get around and for people to be heard. If you have something playing on the screen in front of you, it grabs your attention better and you are more likely to pay attention to it. Like Podcasts, you get to hear something which pulls you in, but if you also have something to look at while you're listening, you're more likely to stay tuned.

5. Video Essay: an auditory and visual experience to help make a point and keep an audience engaged.

Reflection: After reading both Nicki Escalante's blog and Marisa Kubacki's blogs I really enjoyed them and I thought that we all did a good job! I learned that there are many writing types and that maybe I should be a little more serious and sound more professional. I really liked how Nicki got straight to the point and made Quick Reference Guides sound way more appealing than what I thought they we're going to be. I also liked how Marisa was funny but sophisticated, which is something I feel I need to work on.

If anyone reads this, feel free to tell me if you like the way I write, or if I need to spruce it up a bit. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY...but be nice, and tell me what I want to hear ;).

Monday, January 18, 2016

My Writing Process

1. To be honest, I've never thought about what kind of writer I am, in fact, I didn't know there were descriptions that stated the different types of writer you can be. I'm not a huge planner when it comes to writing, I hate making drafts and I really don't like planning circles or whatever they're called. I'm the type of person that sits down, writes my heart out, reads it over a few times and hopes for the best. I guess I plan it out in my head before I write, but I don't tend to jot my ideas down and I defiantly don't enjoy rough drafts. To me, my rough draft only really contains grammatical errors, I don't usually add to my content much or change ideas because the first time I write, it tends to be how I want to submit it.

2. IF I had to pick which one of the "types" of writers I am, I would say that I'm mostly a procrastinator with a hint of heavy planning (depending on the assignment). When I say that I'm a procrastinator, I don't mean that I wait until the night before to write my essay, it just means that I don't typically plan or draft anything. I just sit down with a coffee (or five) and write my paper. I'll usually go over it by myself, or send it to a friend or professor to check it over, but for the most part I don't make any drastic changes. When it comes to planning, I usually just do it in my head because I know what I want to write about and I just add information as I go.

3. I love the fact that I'm not a "heavy reviser." I've never had to really find out what I want to say as I write and honestly in my eyes, that seems like a waste of time. I think it's much simpler to just sit down and write the essay than to write parts of it, go back, change it all, and repeat the same process over and over again until you can't read anymore. My writing process has always worked out for me! It's nice to just get it over with instead of dragging it out and stressing more about it. I usually get good grades on what I write, and I don't think that I'm the type of person to plan my essay for weeks at a time. I guess the only downside is that when I'm writing a long essay, I want so badly just to get it done that I will sit in front of my computer for hours and hours until it's basically finished. Sometimes, I'll wake up, bring my computer into my bed and just write, take a nap, write some more and then sleep again. I get sick of just sitting there for so long I have no desire to come back and change things or add to it once I feel like I've written what I was asked to write.

"Macbook Apple Light Computer Bed Night" October 2015 via pixabay.
Public Domain Dedication License.

4. I'm always open to trying new things. I think it would be good for me to maybe break my essay down a bit more so I can spread out the work load and put more thought into what I write. But if we're being honest, I'll probably stick to my ways until I find that it's no longer working out for me. Because why fix something that isn't broken?