Friday, January 29, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

As I continue to search for a controversial business/politics story, I will turn to Reddit in hope of finding something there for me to write about. I have never actually been on Reddit before and I'm still trying to figure out how it works, but its basically like Facebook where people post stories and others weigh in with their opinion.


While searching on Reddit, I looked up politics and clicked the 'controversial' tab. Simple as pie. And the stories were all about Trump, Sanders, and Clinton. They had links to different stories about why each one sucks or why they have some potential. Under each story I found I chose to read the comments from the people of Reddit and tried to understand where they were coming from. Most of the comments are really short and they were actually a lot more formal than I would have expected (nothing compared to the people on Facebook). In the Reddit forum, most of the stories that I saw were stories about ridiculous claims against each candidate and then the people in the comments would set the story right. They gave clear and concise reasons why the article was bias or if it was just plain bullshit. However, I even saw some people change their opinions and agree with the opposite side while having a conversation with the other Reddit users. 


One of the more interesting stories that I read was titled Hillary Manager Predicts Trump Will Win Presidency if Nominated. After reading most of the comments I got a clear view on why I think that this article was written. I found this interesting right off the bat because it is saying that basically Hillary's manager doesn't even have faith in her and he's basically accepting defeat before the battle. The article may have been written to draw fear from the Hillary supporters to get them to send her more money, but he may actually believe it...which is kind of sad. I know that a lot if people really hate Trump but I'm finding out that not so many people like Hillary, and not a lot of people are even seeing Bernie Sanders as an actual opponent. The comments on this thread were actually pretty entertaining, although some had good political points, most people just joked around and kept the air light.

The second article that I found really interesting was called Hillary's Email Scandal Now Potentially a Matter of High Treason. If you follow the news at all, or if you've heard that Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States, you should know the whole scandal with her email server and how the FBI may be charging her and taking her down. I found this interesting because there has been reports of rumors saying that the FBI will be taking down Hillary during the heat of the general election. I think it's funny because she's going to be on stage one day giving a speech and then all of a sudden, the FBI will come running in and will take her down (at least that's how I'm imagining it). How could it not be interesting to maybe see a potential presidential candidate be tried for Treason by the US government and maybe sentenced to death. That is definitely something I would watch on TV.

I looked for awhile under the Business section of Reddit and I just didn't see anything that controversial going on so I knew that if I went to politics, I would find something juicy. I have no prior experience with Reddit so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I decided that Reddit is just a more professional Facebook with more evidence and articles to corroborate people's opinions. I thought that everything on the forums were very recent controversies happening in politics and I thought that they talked about the current matters very well. I also thought that the people commenting weren't just commenting to comment, they had a real, well informed opinion that they thought was worth sharing. Some comments however, were there for entertainment purposes and I really enjoyed them. 

Will we find someone worthy to become our next President? Or have we already lost hope...
Wang, Jiuguang. "White House North Portico" 05/27/2010 via flickr.
Public Domain Dedication License

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