Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Next week is production week, which means I actually need to start producing my first english project. This blog post will serve to explain which genre I will chose and what I will need to do to complete it.

1 For project one, I am going to create a Quick Reference Guide. I feel like this project fits the best with a Quick Reference Guide (QRG) because it is an easy way to present the facts from both sides, and include all of your sources and outside information easily. Also, I have never created one of these before so because I feel the least comfortable with it, I just want to get it out of the way.

2 Next week, during production, I plan to include a creative title, a good layout that is easy to follow and understand, subheads, citations, a short introduction to my topic, hyperlinks that help corroborate my facts, graphics to make it more entertaining, and hopefully I will put it in a question/answer format. To accomplish the purpose of the project, I want to make my QRG short and sweet. That being said, there are a lot of different factors so I know it won't be too short, but I will only be putting in what is necessary. I also plan on adding a lot of pictures and graphs to make my QRG more visually pleasing and I want the reader to be engaged. I will also be adding hyperlinks to my sources so it is easy to see where I am getting my information.

3 To be honest, I'm actually really stressed out for project 1. However, now that I have finally found my topic, I feel a bit more prepared and a little weight has been taken off of my shoulders. I'm worried because this is a lot of work and a huge time commitment. Also, with never having created a QRG, I am worried that it won't be formatted the right way or something about it might just be wrong because I don't have experience with them. Time management will be a huge challenge this week, but I just hope that I can space everything out so it doesn't pile up with everything else that I have on my plate.
I am very excited to get this project over with because it will give me a better feel for the class once this is graded and I see what is being asked of me over the rest of the semester.

Bottled_void. "Stress" 01/19/2008 via Flickr
Public Domain Dedication License

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