Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Twitter and What I found there

Twitter. The only place that people can share their opinions but are limited to only 140 characters. This is the place that people come together to share their likes, dislikes, and cute pictures of their animals. Twitter is social media, but that doesn't stop it from becoming a great advertising center or from being a great place to find information on just about anything. WARNING not everything you see can be backed up by facts! (most of what you see on Twitter is actually nonsense)

When I searched for entrpreneurship Twitter accounts I found one called the Young Entrepreneur @YoungEnt. It is a twitter page that brings young entrepreneur's together so they can help start and grow their ideas for a new business. All of their tweets lead you to stories about positive thinking and how to better yourself. This is actually a really great page to follow even if you're not an entrepreneur because it has plenty of links that encourage you to do the best work you can, but to also take time for yourself. Many of the entrepreneur Twitter's actually have their header as #WomentoWatch and it is there to empower women in the Business industry and shows successful women doing what they love. Honestly though, if you ask me, it shouldn't be #WomentoWatch, it should be #PeopletoWatch. I know that feminism is really popular right now, and don't get me wrong, I'm a girl and I believe in equal rights...but because I believe in equal rights, why put so much emphasis and praise on women doing normal things...isn't that still sexist? 

If you just search Business on Twitter, you can click on the news feed and it pops up with all sorts of stories going on in the business industry right now. The top couple of stories are about how gas prices are still falling (so far that apparently one salmon costs more than a barrel of oil) and there are A LOT of stories on politics. A lot of the Twitter debates that are going on right now are concerning the presidential candidates, because really, how couldn't you talk about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders? 

One story that I found on Bloomberg's Twitter was North Korea May Be Preparing Missile Launch. If you click on the link that goes to Bloomberg's news website, there is a story that states that North Korea may be getting ready to launch a long range ballistic missile. Through satellite imagery, we have seen that they have already tried to launch four missiles to prepare for this one. But honestly, I'm not worried. North Korea is so lacking in technology that their missile couldn't cause much harm because we (the US or China) has far superior technology and we could take the missile down before it actually caused any harm. I really liked this article because I'm interested in world news and I think that North Korea having a long range missile is interesting. No, I'm not scared and I don't think people should be scared, but I do think that it's worth reading into. 

When I think of the words interesting and news together in a sentence, my mind immediately goes to politics. With a frontrunner like Donald Trump, you really have no excuse not to find something interesting to read about involving him. Right now in the news, the big story is the feud between Fox News and Donald Trump (which is funny because they are both conservative). The New York Times is running the story on their Twitter and calls it Fox News vs. Trump: Setting Free the Golden Goose. Basically the whole problem is the fact that Donald Trump told Fox News that he wouldn't participate in the debate on Thursday night if it was hosted by Megan Kelly (who he thinks is unfair and tweets about here). I find this whole story interesting because Donald Trump keeps tweeting about the feud, calling Fox childish, and a whole bunch of other adjectives. I think it's really funny to watch two people on the same side fight on the internet, because you get to read the comments from people on both sides and its absolutely hilarious. 

On the entrepreneurship accounts, I feel like it is very business-like and professional. Most of the links go to interesting credited articles and I feel like it is a good place to explore when you are interested in entrepreneurship! When you get to the business side of Twitter, it gets more interesting. The business accounts tweet things that are controversial and stories that people have an opinion on, so most of the comments aren't professional and some get quite nasty. Then you have people like Donald Trump who speaks his mind (which is quite admirable/ballsy, especially for someone who is being watched by the world) and just Tweets whatever the hell is on his mind. Some of the time, his Tweets are really funny and entertaining, but they are't really something that I would expect my next President to Tweet. From real news Twitter's they are still very professional, which was expected, but from the comments and the actually feeds of conversations they are very laid back. But it does make sense to be laid back on social media, because really, how professional can you be if you only have 140 characters? 
Arnold, Karen. "Business World Map Business Man" 4/5/2015 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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