Thursday, January 21, 2016

Course Projects

1. Projects. It's a hateful word that sends chills down your spine and makes you build with anxiety and thoughts of how you are going to get through the next couple of weeks. The thing I'm the most nervous about isn't really anything in particular, its more of the general concept of all the projects. How will I do on them? How will I find the time? How quickly will my life get complicated? These are all the questions that I think about when I hear that another project is right around the corner. If I were to pick the one project that really freaks me out, I would have to say the Rhetorical Investigation. I feel like it's going to be hard to get interviews with professors and grad students, because I'm in the business field, and we all know that business people love to fill their schedules.

2. I'm actually really excited to do the Public Argument project. I know it is worth the most of my grade (which is intimidating) but I feel like I'm pretty good at arguing, so I have some confidence. I think it will be really cool to do a project about telling the world your point of view, even if it is the unpopular one. I think that having an opinion on an issue is extremely important and if you have the opportunity to share it, spill your heart out.

3. One of my best strengths is time management. I don't think I will have much of a problem fitting these projects into my schedule, even though they will take up a lot of my time. Research is going to take up the most time. But once I finally find the topic or controversy, it's all downhill from there. I will definitely have to plan to find an adequate amount of time to find a topic that I'm interested in, or else the rest of the project will probably be so boring I'll want to jump into shark infested waters, just to get some excitement back in my life. I will also have to find the time to research people I want to interview for the first project, and I have to make sure their schedule works with mine.

4. I took a few AP english courses in high school so I think that will give me a bit of an advantage when it comes to planning my projects and keeping my time managed. I did a lot of writing in high school and I took a class on video production so I think that will be of some use to me after all! I know that I'm really good at doing a project once I find my topic, and then I can just get everything done without much stress. I'm also really good at planning ahead so I won't let the work pile up (I hope) and I can spend more time putting in thought and effort.

5. I wish that the project descriptions came with an example or more hints on where to take these prompts because they seem a little vague to me. As much as I love to do what I want, I need a little more direction when it comes to class work or else I get a bit frazzled and feel as though I've fallen, and I have no desire to get up.

Reflection: After reading some of my class-mates' blogs, I have found that I am not alone. I am no where near as frightened as I was because I know that if we go down, we all go down together. But I think we are all going to do well if we figure out how to plan accordingly to all the deadlines and around our busy schedules. Eyal Ron taught me that you just have to knock the project away bit-by-bit and you'll be fine. If I just stick to a schedule and get parts done piece by piece, I shouldn't have a problem with the stress of overworking. I also feel that Amelia Moskowitz and I have a similar thinking strategy and we have the same interests and fears. This is very comforting because we can maybe learn to help each other out and succeed together.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love how you can really hear your voice in your writing. Your style of writing (for the blogpost at least) is really relaxed, which always makes it more entertaining to read. I love the sense of humor, it makes it more relatable and I can definitely vibe with needing a little more direction when it comes to the course projects. Overall it was really easy to read and understand your thought process. Great job!

  3. Jianna,

    I also found myself most looking forward to having a public argument and least excited to schedule interviews with busy professors and grad students. I like that you not only cover the main topic, but subtleties in your posts reveal who you are and what you do: a business major, one who isn't afraid to voice her opinion on controversial matters, and so forth. Your post was really well done.

  4. I also like how you wrote this blog post. You address all the questions in a confident manner and seem to have a positive outlook for these course projects. This has helped me realize that I too can try and work hard on the upcoming projects. Great work!
