Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Investigating Genres

1. Want to know the easiest and most entertaining way to get a message across? Make a video and put it on the inter-web! With technology taking over everyone starting at age two (due to questionable parenting), the best way to make your message heard is to put it in a video. Why? Well its effortless for the viewer and usually they will find more entertainment in watching a two minute video than reading a dusty old newspaper. The Video Essay genre serves to get a message across through visual and auditory senses so the viewer doesn't have to read anything. They can just sit back, relax and listen to you talk about whatever the hell you want.

2. The internet is a glorious place. It's filled with facts, nonsense, and a lot of emotion. To find a Video Essay, you don't have to do much searching and your best bet is YouTube. Video Essay's can be found all over though, you can get them off someone's Myspace (if anyone still has an account), Facebook, YouTube page and they're even on news websites like CNN or BBC. Readers only have to type what they want to learn about into a search engine and then click on the "video" button on the top and voilĂ ! The Video Essay universe is at your fingertips (literally).

3. Because young people are more "tech savvy" I would say that the Video Essay genre is more aimed at young adults. That being said, anyone with access to the internet can find one so really, it's there for everyone.

4. What makes the Video Essay genre different from other genres is that it is a visual experience. It might not always be entertaining, but it's way easier to watch a video and listen to someone talk to you rather than reading an essay to yourself. Video Essays make it easy for information to get around and for people to be heard. If you have something playing on the screen in front of you, it grabs your attention better and you are more likely to pay attention to it. Like Podcasts, you get to hear something which pulls you in, but if you also have something to look at while you're listening, you're more likely to stay tuned.

5. Video Essay: an auditory and visual experience to help make a point and keep an audience engaged.

Reflection: After reading both Nicki Escalante's blog and Marisa Kubacki's blogs I really enjoyed them and I thought that we all did a good job! I learned that there are many writing types and that maybe I should be a little more serious and sound more professional. I really liked how Nicki got straight to the point and made Quick Reference Guides sound way more appealing than what I thought they we're going to be. I also liked how Marisa was funny but sophisticated, which is something I feel I need to work on.

If anyone reads this, feel free to tell me if you like the way I write, or if I need to spruce it up a bit. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY...but be nice, and tell me what I want to hear ;).


  1. I really enjoyed your blog post! Your personality really shone through this piece, and it made the video essay seem less daunting. The parenthesis with sarcastic comments were a great addition to the post. It made the post very easy and fun to read, and they made me laugh. I think that you did a fantastic job!

  2. The post was very neat and well written, but I felt kind of like you were trying to sell me a product. This ad-like style to the post made me a little anxious because the first paragraph acted like one of those fifteen second commercials before the video starts and I just wanted to get pass it to get into the rest of the post. It truly was a good post though.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
