Thursday, May 5, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

This is an editorial report on my opening paragraph and how I have changed it through content and form. 

Content Change: My content only slightly changed, I basically just edited it for grammar, and I got more specific in some parts like adding the title of the first project. I also tried to not say "my writing process as much" and I changed what I called it so it wasn't annoying. These changes have made a significant difference in my opening paragraph. I think it gives the reader a better feel for who I am as a writer, and it is also specific so it states what I will be talking about in my essay. I thought that the small changes made it easier to read and that it isn't as repetitive. 

Form Change: For a standard college essay, there isn't much to change when it comes to form. If changing grammar counts, then that is what I changed and it made my essay more professional, and it also gives breaks in my sentences to get the message across clearer. 

Rough Cut:

As a second semester college student, I have learned many things the hard way as I took the transition from high school to college. Throughout this semester I have changed a lot about my writing process to help improve my skills and get good grades. Creating the writing process I have today has been sculpted by the many projects and blog posts I have written this semester. My writing project has changed from writing a paper the night before it was due and only editing it for grammar, into spacing out my project and allowing time for change and a different ideas. I used to only write a final draft and not plan out my essay. Now, I have learned that it is not just okay to change your idea, but it should happen so you can expand your horizons and further develop your ideas into a project that perfectly fits the prompt.

Re-edited Version:

As a second semester college student, I have learned many things the hard way while navigating the transition from high school to college. After receiving my grade from our first project, The Controversy Postmortem, my confidence in my old ways was essentially destroyed and I knew I had to try something new. Throughout this semester I have changed a lot about my writing process; by improving my planning, editing, and organizational processes, I aimed to improve my grades. The writing habits I have today were sculpted by the many projects and blog posts I have written this semester. My writing philosophy has changed from writing a paper the night before it was due and only editing it for grammar, into spacing out my project and allowing time for change and different ideas. Now, I have learned that it is not just okay to change your idea, but it should happen so you can expand your horizons and further develop your ideas into a project that perfectly fits the prompt. During my four years of high school, I had to write many essays, and for the most part, my teachers were very pleased. However, my worst fears came true when I came to college only to find that my old ways needed revamping.

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