Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 2

This is my production report for my first body section. It is about my writing process in high school and during first semester and how I thought it worked for me.


The form for this is just a college essay. It is professional because that is a genre convention, but it isn't extremely formal because it is a self reflective. I am having a hard time figuring out a balance between writing casually (like the blogs I've been doing all semester) and getting back into formal writing for this essay. 


The production for this paragraph wasn't very hard either. I still need to further develop my ideas and make this more professional, but it is a basic idea of what I want my first paragraph to be. I had a hard time making it professional and I am still developing my ideas so this isn't my finest work.

Feel free to give me suggestions!

First Body Paragraph: (outline item)

Throughout high school, I got by writing my essays shortly before they were due, and my idea of a 'rough draft' was an essay that only needed to be revised by grammar and punctuation. I never thought of myself as a person who needed to plan out my ideas far in advance and revise my drafts for more than grammar.  I always thought that drafts were unnecessary because once I decided on an idea and started to write about it, I did not think that I would need to change anything, nor did I have the desire to put in more work to change it. My family always thought I was good writer, so that gave me the confidence I needed to reassure myself  that writing drafts were useless and I could get away with writing only my final piece. For me, writing an essay was never something that I worried about because I would just sit down, decide what I was going to write about, and then write it. I never had to think about time management and planning and revising because I did not see them as necessary or useful. Throughout high school, writing my one draft worked for me, but that quickly changed as I cam to college. As the projects got to me more and more detailed and time consuming, I learned that I was not able to write everything in one night and that the first idea that came to me wasn't always the best idea. I found that it was extremely beneficial to not commit to my first idea, and to develop my project as I worked through it. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel like we had extremely similar experiences in high school. The way you've written your paragraph is very relatable and I liked it. The only thing I would have to say for revisions was it looked like you used the phrase "it seemed unnecessary", or phrases along those lines, a lot. I would advise condensing some of those portions so that it seems slightly less repetitive.
    Overall, though, it seems like you're off to the start of a great project. Well done:)
