Saturday, March 26, 2016

Editorial Report 1

This blog post is my first editorial report that focuses on the part of my podcast that talks about the Budweiser puppy commercial.

Rough Cut 

Revised Version

Content Change: From my rough cut to my revised version I think I changed a good amount. The first time I recorded it, I just decided to barely describe the commercial. My voice seems really awkward and it doesn't sound put together.

In my revised version, I wrote a script to read from so it didn't sound as choppy and it flowed better. I also described the commercial much better, so the listener could really understand how the commercial went. I described the lost dog and how it affected the farmer and the horses. I also described the weather and other details of the commercial to paint more of a picture in the listeners heads.

Form Change: When talking about form, I think that is where I significantly changed my project in this section. I think reading from a script really helped my podcast sound better and my voice less choppy.

The biggest change though was the background music I added. I actually added the background music and sounds from the actual commercial to make it more realistic for the listener. I thought that it made you feel like you were really watching the commercial instead of just listening to me explain it. I thought that this really helped my project because it made it more entertaining and it added depth to the podcast.

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