Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Report 2

This blog piece is a raw piece of recording for my project. It focuses on social media advertising using the example of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Outline Item: Social media advertising and example.

Adaptation of Outline item: This is my raw, unedited recording of my analysis of my example. (if it doesn't play at first, try downloading it)

Audience Questions:

1) For this segment I uploaded another podcast. I recorded talking about social media advertising as a genre and included the example of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I tried to vary my tone to help make it interesting, but I need to go over it and edit it so it flows nicer and it is more interesting to listen to.

2) The production section this time was a bit harder. I am still trying to establish connections so I was'y fully sure what I wanted to record. I think bits of it are good, but I need to probably re-do it or at least edit it. For some reason, I am very nervous when I record and I think you can hear it in my voice. I also need to make a better script so it is easier for me to read. I like the topics that I'm trying to discuss, but U need to work on relaxing while recording so it sounds more natural.

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