Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reflection on Production

This blog is about how I feel about my project so far and if I think it is coming together or falling apart.

This week I found that it has been extremely effective to stick to the schedule that I made for myself. I think that I am finally understanding this project. It is only Wednesday, but I already have both of my ideas, genres and examples recorded and uploaded to my blog. I only have to fill in some blanks, put in an intro and conclusion and thenI will have my rough draft complete!

I know that before turning it in, I will have to do some major editing, but I think I am ahead of schedule and I'm not very stressed out. I have a good plan of what I want my project to be so I think I am well on my way to completing it!

A big challenge for me is my broken arm. It has been making life very difficult especially when it comes to typing. I'm finally starting to get off my pain meds so I am more coherent, which is good, but at times I still find myself babbling.

Another challenge that I have is my ability to record myself. I am doing a podcast, so it will be me talking the whole time. However, whenever I sit down to record myself, I get very anxious and you can definitely hear it in my voice....look at the two snippets I recently uploaded...yikes. I hope that I can either re-record them, edit them so I sound better, or hopefully this is just in my head and people think I sound find.

Next week:
Well next week is spring it will go awesomely!!!! By that, I mean I will not be touching my project or any other school work for that matter.

I think by the end of this week, I should know exactly what I want to say and how I want my podcast to be, I will also have completed and uploaded a rough draft, so I think that making my final draft should go smoothly!

Overall Feelings:
Honestly I'm feeling pretty good. I think that I've managed my time well, I finally understand what this project is supposed to be...I think.... and I have interesting things to talk about. Because who doesn't wanna hear about the Budweiser Puppy Commercial, or the #Icebucketchallenge? I think that with those two examples and how much I already have done, I'm feeling pretty positive about this project right now!

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