Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peer Review of Erin McCabe

For this blog post, I will be focusing on peer reviewing Erin McCabe's rough cut of her podcast for the second project. For this peer review, I am making recommendations about the from of her podcast because that is what I think she needs to work on the most.

After listening to Erin's podcast, I thought that I should make recommendations on her form instead of her content because I think that would be the most valuable to her. I thought her information was good, but her podcast presentation needs a bit of work.

I explained in my comment to her that her podcast was a bit dry and I think that she definitely needs to add some music and clips of other people. I think that I helped her because I explained where she should use music and sound bites of others in her project to make it more appealing to the listener. I thought that it may also be useful to maybe introduce herself and her title at the beginning so it is clearer to the listener about what he podcast will cover.

I incorporated suggestions from the Student's Guide, but explaining what I like and what was useful, and what I think that she needed to add. I thought that her content was good, but it would be more effective if she actually had sound bites from her interview, rather that quoting the interview herself. I also explained how her evidence was good for her points, but how it would be better to present it in different ways so it was more entertaining and engaging.

I did think that Erin's information was interesting, and because this was just a rough cut, I think she knows that she has to add music and more effects, so I think she will do just fine with that. I also liked her set up of her example. She stated what the example was, the different conventions of it, and why it was like that to be effective.

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