Saturday, March 26, 2016

Peer Review for Avalon Shea

This blog post is a peer review of Avalon Shea's podcast and my views on her rough cut.

Avalon Shea's podcast isn't technically named yet, but it is on the rhetorical analysis of the writings and efforts of genres in science based fields. You can find her blog post to her rough cut podcast by clicking here.

I have decided to do the first activity in peer reviewing her rough cut of her project where I will be focusing on the content of the podcast. I decided to focus on content because I think that is where she will really benefit from suggestion.

I think that Avalon knows what to do for the podcast and I think once she adds more, she will have more of the requirements and criteria to complete the assignment.

I think I added valuable feedback because of how I suggested that she could make her podcast better. I think that getting input from someone other than yourself really helps because you sometimes can't hear your own mistakes, but other people can hear them and make helpful suggestions. I really liked what she had so far, I just think she is very far away from a final draft.

I explained that I understood that she didn't have the interview sections in the rough cut that I listened to, but that it keeps hinting that its about to go to a cut from an interview and then it never gets there. I felt like I was waiting and I think that me saying that will help her decide where the interview needs to be inserted, and that she can break it up into different parts so it sounds realistic and natural.

The Students Guide to Writing explains how to effectively give feedback by offering examples and specifics instead of saying you don't like something, you explain why it doesn't work. I used constructive criticism by explaining what needed work, and how she could change it. I thought that I effectively stated what she need to work on and how I thought she could effectively change her project.

What I really liked about Avalon's clip is how she introduces herself like a talkshow host, and also how she lays out what she is going to talk about and why it is important. I thought that how she presented it was very good and it only needs a little bit of work to be perfect!

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