Friday, March 4, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production Week

This blog post is a reflection on my week. It is about what I think went well, what didn't go so well, and how I think next week will go. It is very honest so please don't judge.


This week was semi successful;, at the beginning of the week, I still didn't fully understand this project and I was really worried that I was going to stress out because I didn't know what was going on. However, in class Thursday, we did an exercise on one of our genres and it helped me a lot. I think I finally understood what the project was meant to be.

Also, from the in class activity, I got some of my project done and ready to be recorded so that is going to help me out a lot next week.


Like I said above, I really didn't think I knew what this project was about so I just kept pushing it off. In all truthfulness, I didn't really get anything done until Thursday... but I got a lot done yesterday so that's at least good.

Another challenge that I encountered this week is that I broke my arm on Sunday. Luckily, it isn't my dominant hand, but it's been really difficult only being able to use one arm/hand. I have had a crazy hard time typing and everything seems to take me longer to complete. I also have been extremely drugged up on pain meds, so thinking and getting out of a groggy state has proven difficult.

 Next Week:

Next week I think this project will go better. I have a schedule that breaks everything down so it isn't a lot of work at one time. I am scared though because I have 5 tests next week so I will be extremely busy. I also have a  lot more clarity on the project now so I think that next week should go better and will be more productive.

Feelings on Project:

I feel stressed because getting things done on pain meds and with a broken arm is pretty difficult and provides many obstacles. However, with the clarity I gained on this project this week, I feel much more confident in getting everything done. I also think my schedule will keep a lot...if I decide tp stay on track.

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