Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post were serve as an outline to my second project. I will be making a full outline of how my podcast will be and what I want it to sound like. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE and is vary vague as I am still trying to decide how I want my project to go.

Intro: Quick introduction to what I will be going over and why it's interesting to me

Grabbing reader's attention: 
  • Set up Podcast like a Radio Show
  • Provide intro and exit music
  • Interesting tone 
  • "special guests" (interviewees)
Body Sections Main Ideas:

  • Press Release
    • How to press release
      • This goes over how to make an effective press release
        • important because it explains the genre and why it is needed
    • "Just Do It"
      • example of a Press release from Nike
        • Important because it is from a huge/well known company which shows credibility and has all the components of rhetorical investigation. 
  • Social Media Post
    • Example posts
      • Shows brilliant social media posts from famous corporations, you have likely seen the add and thought of it as effective.
        • important because it highlights specific companies, she's advertisements on social media, and it explains how it works
    • Example Posts
      • Shows brilliant social media posts from famous corporations, you have likely seen the add and thought of it as effective.
        • important because it highlights specific companies, she's advertisements on social media, and it explains how it works

    • Why are different genres important in effective Marketing?
      • Marketing tools
        • Shows different marketing tools and how they are important to your marketing business 
          • Important because it explains/shows different tools that would help your marketing strategy and why it works
      • 131 different kinds of marketing
        • Shows the different types of marketing strategies and genres
          • provides hyperlinks to examples and more information about that genre and technique. 
    Closing, Why does this matter?: 
    • explain how without different genres, you wouldn't have the same advertisements today
    • without proper marketing and research teams, your favorite food or article would have gone out of business
    • marketing can be satirical and sarcastic
    • the different genres are chosen due to research in target article
    Closing Statement: Talking and explaining how each genre is presented in the Marketing world and why they are important.

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