Saturday, March 26, 2016

Reflection on Post Production and Final Submission

This blog post is a reflection on my week, and how I think it went. This week was finishing my project up, doing the last few blog posts, and getting my podcast ready to be submitted. I worked really hard on this, especially after getting my grade back on my last project.

This week's successes:

  • Time management: I think I spaced out my project and blog posts evenly so I didn't have to sit down and do everything at once.
  • Final project: I really like my podcast, I think it came together a lot better than I ever thought it could. I was really worried to do my podcast because I felt like it would be dry and boring, but I really took advice and instruction on how to add music and audio clips and incorporate them into my podcast. 

This week's challenges: 

  • Editorial revisions: I didn't necessarily think that these were difficult, but they were annoying to do because I had to change parts of my project in my garage band and it took a lot of time and effort to only download parts of my podcast into segments to post them as evidence. Garbage band proved to be not so user friendly so it took me awhile to figure out how to post partial segments of my podcast and it got annoying.
  • Stress: This week was a bit stressful for me because I'm about to turn in a project that I feel pretty confident in, but I said that last time and I didn't get a good grade because it wasn't pretty enough...which I'm honestly bitter about because I thought it was pretty....*sigh* But I'm kinda worried that this isn't going to be what is wanted, even though I think it is.
Next Week:

Next week, I'm pretty sure we will be starting another project. Although I am happy to start something new, I wish that I could just take a break for a bit. This week went pretty well, and since next week is a new project, I think it will go pretty well and it should be less stressful!

Feelings Overall:

I think that I am turing in something that will hopefully get an A. I really like it and I think that I did a good job making it interesting and I think I have good content. The only thing that I'm a bit worried about is  my voice in some parts of the project. I feel like sometimes I have a stuttering problem/ I can't get the sounds out of my mouth. I was in a car accident over a year ago and I have brain damage from it and it has affected my speech. I hope that it isn't too distracting and it doesn't sound too bad!

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