Thursday, March 10, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

This blog is my final post before I go on spring break and I fly home and then travel to the magical land of Las Vegas (YAY ME!). For this post, it will include my rough cut of my podcast, my feelings about it, and my feelings for the next week of work.

You can access my rough cut of my project here.

Key Information:

Please note that this is just a recording of me talking, I haven't added any sounds or music yet and this is just basically my project without the special effects. I would really appreciate if you listened to it and you commented back on if you find it boring/entertaining, if you find it effective, and if you think it fulfills the project. Thank you!!!

Major Issues:

The only major issue with this rough cut is the fact that I don't yet have special effects. I will be adding music and sound effects throughout the podcast to enrich the quality and make it more entertaining.

I was also wondering if it is what we are even supposed to be doing. I know that is a scary question because what if I just made a project that has nothing to do with the requirements of the project??? YIKES... but I hope I didn't do that. I think that my project is what it's meant to be, but I would love any feedback!

Major Strengths:

I really think that my outline and my points are pretty strong. I think that with my examples, I describe what conventions I'm focusing on and why they are important to that genre.

I'm really excited to put my sound effects in because I think it will really pull my project together and will make it more interesting to listen to. I really like my project so far because I think that I chose interesting topics, so I feel like it will be hard to get bored listening to!

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