Friday, March 4, 2016

Production Schedule

This upcoming week is about to get busy, I have 5 midterm tests next week and I have to finish the production phase of this project before Friday so I don't have to worry about it on my trip home. This blog post will outline my next weeks schedule for this class so I can figure out what I need to get done to stay on track and when I need to have it done by.

What needs to get done:

Next week I have to have two clips uploaded, post a reflection on my week, and have an open post to peer reviewers with a link to my product draft.

How to get the above done:

First, I really need to sit down and figure out what I want in my podcast and how I want it to be set up. I know I want to talk about the genres of commercials and how the can differ from being heart wrenching and then some are hard core. I also want to focus on the social media marketing and the rhetorical analysis of those posts.

I then need to re-listen to my interviews and decide what I want to use from them. I also need to create an intro and a conclusion to my podcast.


Most likely I'll be in the comfort of my own bed:)

Date and Time:

Monday: Anytime during the day, create and upload a podcast talking about Budweiser commercial. (Major point 1 with evidence)

Tuesday:  Anytime during the day, create and upload podcast talking about online social media add (still haven't decided what add but it is Major point 2 with evidence).

Wednesday: Anytime during the day, create intro and conclusion dialogue.

Thursday: Anytime during the day, record and piece together intro, commercial analysis, social media analysis, interview snippets, and finally conclusion.

Upload to blog with open post to peer reviews.

Friday:  add to/ upload more if necessary. If I make any changes it will be because I thought of a better idea or had more clarification on the project and thought my plan wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Resources Required:

For this project, I will need my brain and my computer, my genres are electronic so I shouldn't need to go to the library or other resources.

Date Completed:

I want to have my production week done before I get on my plane at 5:35 pm Friday the 11th.

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