Friday, February 26, 2016

Academic Discourse & Genre

This blog post will be in reference to the same scholarly journal as the post before this. This blog will focus on what different types of genres are in the journal and how they are different.

LoCricchio, Jianna "Hard at Work"02/26/2016

1)  Types of Genres

In the January 2016 issue of Journal of Marketing, there are only two different genres throughout the issue. Technically, there is actually only one genre in this whole issue and that is of a research paper, but the first article is a research paper about reflections in publishing in the Journal of Marketing, so I decided it could be it's own genre. 

2) Descriptions of Genres

Every article in this issue of Journal of Marketing is that of a scientific research paper. However, the first on is a bit different than the rest so I will call it a reflection on a research paper. This other genre is basically setup as though it was a regular research paper, but the article is only written by one person and talks about his own experience with writing for this journal. It is more of a quick reference guide set up, and doesn't have many reference because it is about his own experience, but it is technically still a research paper. 

Every article, other than the first, follows the format of a research paper and it is very scientific looking. They all have abstracts, hypotheses, research background, data, graphs, methods, variable operationalization, results, tables explaining the results, discussion, conclusions and finally, references. 
3) Definitions of Genres

Research Paper: a Research Paper's purpose is to inform the reader of a topic with specific evidence and data that supports the claim. The Research Paper is made to provide scientific data to back up a claim and support it with evidence that ultimately comes to a conclusion on the topic.

Reflection on a Research Paper: a Reflection on a Research Paper serves to provide an audience of the feelings and experience of the author regarding something they previously wrote or explored, set up in a research paper format. 

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