Friday, February 5, 2016

The Time Period

For this blog, I'm going to be going over the time period in which I want to focus on in reference to the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. The Amendment was passed in 2012, but I really want to focus on when the retail stores were opened, and how it has affected Colorado around a year after the laws actually changed. The first two links are to local news stores, the second two are for national news stories, and the last two are global news stories about the legalization of marijuana in Colorado.

Local Stories

Both of these stories have to do with the impact of legalization of marijuana on the state of Colorado. The first article, from 9 News is from 2015, a year after the retail or recreational marijuana began. It also explains how many more marijuana-related traffic deaths have happened since it was legalized and how the legalization wasn't very good for the state. The second article from the Denver Post was posted in 2016 and explains how the sales of marijuana in Colorado had topped one billion dollars in 2015. It really focuses on how the sales were increasing through the year of 2015. 

National Stories

In the first article written by Newsweek in 2015 is an opinion piece on the conflicts between the federal and state governments when it comes to the legalization of marijuana. It points out, that no matter how many states legalize pot, it is still illegal on a federal level and the federal government can take over basically at any time. It is important because it limits the exportation and expansion of retail pot sales. The second story from the Huffington Post written in 2014 is before the time period  that I really want to focus on in my QRG. However, it is important to read because it also explains who has the upper hand when it comes to legalization of marijuana. Even though many more states are trying to legalize it, the Federal government is mostly in charge. This article also explains that if a federal and state law contradict, when you are in the state, you can follow the state law, but the feds can stop you at any point. 

Global Stories 

I picked these two stories because they really focus on what is going on around the world since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana. When this happened, it was a big deal because it was technically the first place in the world to legalize pot. Even though you can buy pot in Amsterdam, it is still illegal to grow it and manufacture it...which is actually very confusing, but the government just turns a blind eye to the problem because of all the money it brings in. The first article explains how Colorado has more of a system and stricter but clearer guidelines than Amsterdam does. The second article was written in 2015 and talks about how Ireland wants to decriminalize drugs. They want to make them legal so you don't have to go to jail for taking drugs. They are doing this because other countries, like the US, are really trying to decriminalize drugs as well and I think that Colorado was the first domino to fall. 

After the legalization of pot in Colorado, the world has looked to the United States for answers and guidance regarding the decriminalization of drugs. Colorado was the first place to actually legalize marijuana for recreational use, and after many other states started to follow. But what is more interesting is the fact that not only state in the US are starting to legalize marijuana, but countries around the world are looking to legalize their drugs and decriminalize them. The UN even actually attempted to decriminalize drugs, but it has't quite worked out yet. However, Ireland is looking to decriminalize not only marijuana, but heroine and cocaine as well so they can be supervised in order to reduce addiction. All of these stories greatly affect my controversy. Because not only did other states follow Colorado, the whole nation and other countries around the world are looking to do so as well.

Bachrach44. "Amsterdam Rainbow Coffeeshop" 04/01/2007 via Wikimedia 
Public Domain

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