Thursday, February 11, 2016

Peer Review 2

I am on the second round of peer reviewing and this is what I've done.
I first reviewed Kathryn Russell's QRG which you can see here. Then I reviewed Nicholas Hoover's video essay which can be seen here

1. From looking at this project in the genre of a video essay, I learned that it was actually really easy to make a video about a controversy. I thought that someone would have more of their own pictures and footage because it seemed hard to use someone else's footage. I also learned that this project must involve a very specific controversy because it is hard to explain the whole story if you don't have specific characters or a specific location. 

2. For my draft, my top three issues would probably have to be; lack of good formatting, lack of pictures, and vague information. For my draft I just made it a basic skeletal outline, but I definitely need to revise it and add a lot more. I really need to put in more pictures, graphs and polls concerning the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. I also need to format it better so it is more appealing and it flows logically. Finally I need to expand on my thoughts, I need to add more information that explains why things are good and why they are bad and I really need to go into more depth so it is more well rounded. 

3. I think that so far I have a pretty logical flow to my draft, I think that it is really important because it introduces the story before going into the details. I noticed that a lot of other QRG's weren't very organized and it was hard to follow their controversy. I also think that I have a good list of stakeholders and why they are stakeholders. I will expand on them a bit, but I think that it is pretty good the way it is now. I also think that I really explained the where and the when pretty well. This is a huge strength because it really helps the reader understand the setting of the controversy and without an explanatory setting, it is hard to understand the controversy itself. 
McPhee, Nic. "Editing a Paper" 01/26/2008 via Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

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