Wednesday, February 3, 2016


So what started the whole debate of if legalizing marijuana in Colorado was actually good for the state or if it was a mistake? Just a couple of years ago, Colorado made history by legalizing the use of recreational marijuana by passing Amendment 64.

On the cold Tuesday morning of November 6, 2012, a buzz was circling through the air of Colorado, waking people up and sending them to the voting booths. People weren’t talking about who they wanted to be president, they were talking about how they wanted to vote on Amendment 64. As the ballots came in, it was looking pretty close but as more and more voted the yes's started to outnumber the no's. The final votes had come in and the Amendment had passed with 55% of the vote. THE RECREATIONAL USE OF MARIJUANA WAS LEGALIZED. The news outlets blew up and starting firing out posts and papers all over the world. Colorado had made history by becoming the first state to end the prohibition of marijuana. For some, you could feel the excitement in the air, and a faint scent of pot took to the normally crisp Colorado air. People we're excited that they were now finally able to grow and buy marijuana (under regulations of course) and they were excited about the change it would bring to their state. Millions of dollars were expected to be brought in as tax revenue off the sales of marijuana to be used to fund the public school system and to help maintain the infrastructure of the state. However people were scared for their children because they didn't want marijuana to become more accessible to minors, and they didn't want to smell the stench of weed everywhere they went. November 6th of 2012 made history. It became the day where Colorado was really put on the map and became a huge tourist destination so people from all over the country, even all over the world, could come to Colorful Colorado and legally purchase marijuana. The 'Pot State' was officially born. 

Public Domain

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