Friday, February 26, 2016

My Field of Study

For this blog post, I will be going into my field of study and exploring what students learn and are expected to do with a marketing degree.

1) Students in Marketing 

Marketing majors learn a wide array of information when earning their degree. Marketing is in the business field and it is very important when selling a service or product. Marketing majors learn how to sell products or services to the people that the product/service is for. Marketing is all about trying to get people to buy things, so it is important for majors to be able to distinguish different markets and how those people would need what is being sold.

2) What to do with a Marketing Degree? 

After getting a marketing degree, the student will go to basically any company who sells a product or service. Marketing workers can then become assistants, consultants, coordinators, executive director, planner etc. Basically anything that requires reading people and finding target audiences for a certain product is related to marketing. You can also get into advertising, branding, digital or international marketing, social media marketing and many many others.

3) Why I am Interested in Marketing

Honestly, I went into the business field because I really had no idea what I wanted to do, I just knew that I wanted to make a lot of money and I know business is a really good way to get there.  I really want to focus on marketing because I think I'm really good at getting people to buy things and I'm good at reading people. I have great people skills and I really want to make my name in this world my being able to target audiences for products and then sell a lot of that product. I also know there is a lot of room in this major so I am not tied down to one specific job and that I don't have to work in a cubicle for my whole life. I also know it is a good way to brand yourself and move up in the business world. Business is about selling something, so if I can be one of the people who gets the thing sold, I think I'm in pretty good shape.

4) My Marketing Inspirations

  Philip Schiller  Senior Vice President of World Marketing for Apple is an amazing inspiration. I know that Apple and the iPhone are known all around the world and most people I know have iPhones and other Apple Products. For a product to be known around the world and for Apple to be the best company at making you regret your last Christmas present, I think that Mr. Schiller knows what he's doing and does a great job  increasing the sales of Apple.

Another inspiration is the company Geico, because everyone knows that 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. I think that their marketing plan really works well because everyone knows what they are, their logo and their slogan. I think they have really funny commercials, so people want to watch their advertisement and it peaks people's interest enough for them to be interested in maybe switching car insurance.

The last inspiration of marketing genius, is Budweiser. I don't drink beer, I don't like beer, but I wish I did because I would want to drink Budweiser. If you watch sports, then you watch the Super Bowl and you know that every year you will have your heart strings tugged on by a Budweiser commercial, and you'll want to drink a beer with your puppy and your horse.

Freekee. "The Full Hitch" 08/15/2009 via Wikipedia
Public Domain
5) Top Marketing Journals 

Journal of Marketing  published in the United States from the American Marketing Association
Journal of Supply Chain Management published in the United Kingdom
Journal of Marketing Research published in the United States from the American Marketing Association

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