Thursday, February 18, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

Now that my project has finally been completed and turned in, I'm going to review it on this blog to tell you how I feel about my final project.

1) Honestly, I think my project is pretty good. I think that it is unbiased, but it shows the reader that I have personal experience with the legalization of marijuana in Colorado because I am from there. I also think that my QRG provides a lot of easy to understand information, so people can see what the controversy was and what the pros and cons were to the legalization. However, I am kind of scared that it isn't what the professor wants, and I'm scared that I won't get the grade that I think I deserve because I didn't include something the way he wanted me to. Hopefully, he sees that I put in a lot of time and really wanted to explain this controversy because it really hits close to home.

2) I'm not sure if this is exactly weak, but I'm worried about how I formatted the stakeholders. I felt like listing and bullet pointing the effects that the legalization had on the stakeholders was enough because I included links that accurately describe why they are affected. However, I hope that this works for grading purposes and I don't get in trouble because I didn't make paragraphs and explain in great details.

3) I think that my layout and my pictures and graphs are my greatest strengths. I formatted my QRG so it is really easy to read and follow so it logically flows. I also think that all of my graphs are informative and are really necessary in helping the reader understand the controversy. I like the number of pictures and graphs that I used because they are interesting, factual and they keep the reader entertained which is really important in writing a QRG.

4) When it comes to my time management I had my ups and downs. I really struggled with the blog posts because they were EXTREMELY time consuming and frustrating because I had the actual project to work on. I tried to do at least two blog posts a day to just get them out of the way. I realized that because I spent so much time working on the blog posts that I became really unmotivated to work some more on my actual project. I feel like if I didn't have as many blog posts to do, I could have put more effort into my project. I think my project is pretty good, but I know that if I had more time and motivation, I could have been able to add a lot more to my project. I think that I did fine with my time management, just the amount of work for the project got extremely tedious and frustrating so I don't feel as though I put in my maximum effort. I would like to say that I think my final project was good and I am proud of it, but I think that a lot of the blog posts were very unnecessary and took the fun out of making the project itself.


Unsplash. "Fireworks" 10/18/2015 via Pixabay
CC Public Domain 

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