Friday, February 26, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis Of Academic Journal

LoCricchio, Jianna. "Latest Edition of 'Journal of Marketing'" 02/26/2016

1)  Authors in Journal

For the January 2016 edition of Journal of Marketing, I found that there are 7 separate articles published in this edition. The first named author in each article are; V. Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Saurabh Mishra, Woojung Chang, Bulent Menguc, Johannes Habel, and Christopher R. Plouffe. 

In each new article, the author/authors are listed at the top of the page before the title of the article. This shows who wrote the article below, because some articles had multiple authors, I chose to only include the name if the first person listen for each article. 

In a small subset of the first page of each article, it lists the authors again and their credentials. For example, for the article written by Bulent Menguc, it states "Bulent Menguc is Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Nadir Has University (e-mail: It then lists the rest of the other authors and their titles, Universities, and emails. 

2) Intended Audience

The intended audience for this journal is Marketing majors and people who are interested in Marketing and data that comes from it. Secondary audiences may include economists because marketing affects how the economy flows especially when a new product hits the market and it is bought/not bought. 

"When Does (Mis)Fit in Customer Orientation Matter for Frontline Employees' Job Satisfaction and Performance?" is a title that would attract readers who wanted to know the research behind job satisfaction and performance of frontline employees in regards to MisFit customer orientation. 

3) Context

This article was published in January of 2016, to explain job satisfaction and performance of frontline employees in regards to MisFit customer orientation. This is written in a research paper format because there was research conducted to back up the article with scientific data. This is prevalent in today's marketing world because it shows job satisfaction in regards to customer orientation, which employers can use to help hire and keep their employees happy. 

4) Message

The overall message from this journal issue is about the Consumer in regards to marketing. This journal really focuses on different types of marketing, like how social media effects customer behavior, or the role of marketing capability. This article focuses on how marketing affects the people that are being marketed to and how differences in their sex, age or other factors affect how they perceive marketing. 

5) Purpose

This journal's purpose is to inform other people interested in marketing on how certain things like social medial or customer orientation effect marketing and their attractiveness to a product. This journal serves to show people why certain things affect people when they are being marketed to. 

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