Thursday, February 18, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

This blog I am looking back on my last blog post about pronouns and seeing if they are effective or if they should be changed because they aren't appropriate in the context.

1) After reviewing my list of pronouns, I realized that my usage of pronouns are informal and broad. I used a lot of "They" when referring to the people of Colorado, and I used "You" when referring to the reader. However I do think that my pronoun usage is affective because it was better than repeating "Coloradan" or "the reader"over and over again. When I wrote about the stakeholders, I chose to bullet point how they are affected, so I don't have any pronouns

2) When talking about the setting of Colorado, I used the pronouns of "I" and "you" because I was referring to myself and the reader. I did this because I am from Colorado so I wanted to give my personal thoughts and views of Colorado as a state and a setting. I would say things like "When I think of Colorado, I think of how beautiful it is, and how you can always see the Rocky Mountains with snow covered peaks." In this excerpt from my draft, I used "I" because I was coming from my own experience, and I used "you" because I really wanted to connect to the reader and paint them a picture that they could personally draw in their head. I think that it is very important for me to use personal pronouns and talk directly to the reader in these parts because it shows the reader my credibility and connects me to them.
Open Clip Art Vectors. "Thumbs up Smiley Face" 10/07/2013 via Pixabay
Creative Commons Public Domain

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