Friday, February 26, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This blog post is going to cover an overview of the types of professional writing that my interviewees have published and created.

Linda Price

 According to Linda Price's page on the Eller website, it shows five different publications of hers. They are about designing solutions of customer identity goals, branding, marketing for young adults, and the differences in marketing in regards to sex and age. After doing some research, I found that she has many journal publications, books and book chapters, reviewing articles, and has spoken at many guest lectures

  How Individuals' Cherished Possessions become Families' Inalienable Wealth is a professional research paper that follows all the elements of a research paper, with an abstract, data, hypothesis, etc.

Consumer Culture Theory is a book partly written and edited by Linda Price. A book differs from a research paper because it is longer, professional, but more relaxed than a research paper. It isn't as formally formatted but it still includes data and research.

A research paper is completely different than a book. Both involve research and data, but a research paper is more for colleagues and a book is more for the general public. This plays a huge role because it shows that Linda Price does research for her colleges but also for the people. The formatting of the two sets them apart the most. A research paper is very formal and has a strict format, while a book has chapters and the formatting is pretty basic. In a research paper, there are many different subsets of information which are clearly labeled and spaced out so they are easy to find.

For the two papers, the research paper and the book, I found the context to be completely different. The research paper focuses on keepsakes and how the affect people. The book, however, focuses on consumers and how they differ in regards to sex, age, and the different markets.

For the first research paper, its abstract states "This article examines a special category of objects, things that people should not give or sell, but keep from generation to generation within the close confines of a group-inalienable wealth." This is talking about keepsakes and why people have them and what they mean to people.

For the book, when you click on the link to take you to where you can purchase it, next to it says "This latest volume of Research in Consumer Behavior: Consumer Culture theory contains a selection of edited best papers from the Eighth Consumer Culture Theory Conference held in Tucson, Arizona in June, 2013. These papers represent the latest ethnographic and qualitative research on consumption and consumer culture from scholars around the world."This talks about the consumption and consumer culture from people around the world and goes into depth of the research found in the conference here in Tucson.

The purpose of the research paper is to inform people on the intentions behind having a keepsake and why they are meaningful and why they have personal value even though they could be worthless in the eyes of the economy.

The purpose of the book is to talk about and describe the newest research in consumer behavior. It serves to present what was found at the Eighth Consumer Culture Theory Conference, and how it shows the consumer culture from scholars around the world.
Trish Winter-Hunt

Trish Winter-Hunt is a graduate from the University of Arizona and is working on her MBA while she works at Eller in the Marketing department. She is an Eller Marketing Manager to help promote each platform in specific target ranges.
Unfortunately, I could not find any of Trish Winter-Hunt's articles on the internet. I have asked her about this in emails and she said that she would explain her published works to me during the interview.

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