Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Sources are really important when writing about a controversy because you need a lot of them to present correct facts and to find what you're going to present. This blog is going to be an evaluation of 10 different sources that I'm going to use to talk about the controversy of amendment 64.
Sharma, Abhi. "Books HD" 08/27/2006 via Flickr
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Where- Comes from the Rocky Mountain Drug Trafficking Area Organization. This organization is very credible because they conduct a lot of research, and only present the facts. It is apart of the President's National Drug Control Strategy so this is a government organization. 
Who- This was prepared by their Intelligent Analyst, Kevin Wong. Kevin Wong has been a crime and intelligence analyst since 2003 and has worked for Phoenix and Denver Police Departments as well as the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. He joined the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program in 2013 and has been the lead research project analyst. Because of all of his background in this area, he is a credible source. 
When- This volume was released in September of 2015 because it was almost a full year after the legalization of recreational marijuana. This is more of a statistical analysis and isn't really a news piece.
What- This is probably my most important source. It is from a credible, non-bias, fact based web sight and it represents kids, adults, crime rates, hospitals, and businesses. This piece really shows sufficient data that explains how the legalization has changed Colorado.

Where- This article is from a news outlets called Newsweek. It has a well-known reputation and it gives people information on what is happening around the world.
Who- The author is a woman named Majorie Haun and she is from Colorado, so she has had a personal experience with the legalization. She has only written one article for Newsweek, but she has written for other publications like, The Daily Signal and Watchdog Wire. She also has her own website called Reagangirl and writes her own news stories. Unfortunately I was not able to see where she went to school or her credentials. Because I can't find her background, I am a bit hesitant, but she writes a lot for various sources, so she must have a good reputation.
When- This article was published 6/6/2015, there wasn't anything in the news that day that really could have affected this controversy.  This article covers the unexpected side effects of legalizing weed and how it has affected Colorado since being passed.
What- This source helps with understanding what people weren't expecting after the legalizing of weed. The stakeholders mainly represented in this article are businesses and the government because it talks a lot about tax revenue.
Where- This source is from Forbes, which is very widely known and respected. Forbes is known for talking about money and thats what this article does.
Who- This article was written by Forbes writer, Jacob Sullum who writes on the war on drugs. He is senior editor at Reason magazine and is the author of two publish books on drugs. He has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and many others. With articles in such respected news outlets, I would say he is a credible writer. Especially because his main focus is on drugs, he knows what he's writing about.
When- This was published on July 10, 2014. This is in the middle of legalization and around 6 months after legalization sales have gone on, which is why this article talks about the price of pot.
What- This source really talks about the price of marijuana and the revenue it is bringing into colorado. It also talks a lot about Gov. Hickenlooper's reaction to the legalization and how he felt about it thus far. It also touches on drugged driving and how it has changed since the legalization. This is all really good information because it recognizes politicians and tax revenue.
Where- This article comes from MintPress News which is very new (opening in 2012), independent news outlet covering opinion, politics, investigating reporting, and environmental issues. Because it is such a new outlet, it is hard to find how credible it's information is.
Who- The author's name is Kit O'Connell who also writes journalism for Gonzo, is the associate editor of Shadowproof and is a daily staff writer at MintPress News. He writes for a lot of not well known publications, but he writes a lot for those new companies, and new companies hire people will talent.
When- This article was published August 19, 2015. Nothing happened in the world that week that would have affected this article. This time period fits into the controversy because it talks about how much money the sales of recreational marijuana had brought in since legalization.
What- This article mainly focuses on business, with the tax revenue. It also talks about schools and how they have benefited from the tax revenue brought in. This source talks more about the money that it has brought in and how it has positively affected the state.
Where- This article is from CBS Denver, which is a subset of CBS. It is good that it is in the Denver subset because it really is more focused on the legalization in Colorado and how legalizing pot has had negative affects. This source is credible from the website.
Who- Reported by Jennifer Brice who is a Colorado native who actually graduated from the same high school as I did (Heritage High School) hooray!!! She received a degree in journalism from University of Denver and has worked for many news sources around the country. She has a great reputation and I would say she is credible.
When- Published in September of 2015, this article covers the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area report of how legalization has affected Colorado since 2013. The release of this report definitely affected this article because it is where it gets it facts.
What- This source offers a summary of the report from the RMHIDA so it makes it easier for me to sift through the information. However, this article might only be taking the negative statistics, so I will have to really look at the report to see what the truth is. The stakeholders that this represents are the businesses, government, and community by showing people that legalization wasn't the best choice.
Where- This is a journal from the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. It is a scholarly journal post so it is very credible because it has been cited many times with no conflict of interest and was throughly peer reviewed.
Who- The author of this journal is an MD named Elin Kondrad. She is the Medical Director of the Family Medicine Center at the St. Anthony Family Medicine Residency. To see all of her credentials click here.
When- This journal was published in January of 2013 so it was right after Amendment 64 was passed. Because of how recent it was written after the amendment passing, it didn't give a lot of time for people to change their opinions or really have the passing of legalization affect them.
What- The stakeholder that this article represents is the medical field, specifically, family physicians. This article focuses on the opinions of the physicians on the use and legalization of marijuana. This experiment was conducted to find if physicians believe in the health component of marijuana and if they think it has medical benefits.
Where-  This is from Science Direct which is a scholarly medical journal site. With this site, it is very hard to get non credible journals posted without many citations. This article was cited a lot and it's information comes from other viable references.
Who-  One of the authors is named Stacy Salomonsen-Sautel Ph.D who works at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the other author is Joseph Sakai who is an MD that also works at the University of Colorado Medical Campus. Both have conducted research and are from Colorado where my subject takes place.
When- Published in July of 2012, this article reports the medical marijuana use among adolescents before it was recreationally legalized.
What- This journal will provide evidence of marijuana use among adolescents to compare to marijuana use among adolescents after the legalization of recreational pot. This will be very important to compare to decide what impact the legalization had on kids.
Where- This article comes from The Hill, a political news source that has been around since 1994 and has been known for writing on politics.
Who- Written by Kevin Cirilli, who regularly writes for the Hill. He was also a reporter for Bloomberg news, CBS, Men's Health, and many other news outlets. He has a bachelor in Journalism from Penn State University. With a bachelor in an esteemed school, and with working for so many different news outlets, I would say he's credible.
When- This was written in January of 2015 which was one year after recreational sales started taking place. This is a good timeframe for a source because it focuses on looking back after a year of it being legalized.
What- This article focuses on politicians and the government. It writes about how the Governor of Colorado said he didn't think that legalizing pot was a good idea. This is good for me to focus on because it was voted for by the people, but it mainly affects the government and the governor still doesn't support it.
Where- This is from the Huffington Post which is a well known and respected news outlet. Gives the source a good credibility.
Who- The article was written by Matt Ferner, a national reported for the Huffington Post. He was previously the editor of the Huffington post Denver, and graduated from both the University of Colorado, and the University of California. He has two degrees from good schools and has been the editor of a news outlet which makes him pretty credible.
When- This article was written in November of 2012 right after Amendment 64 passed, making Colorado the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. This is important to focus on because it shows why it was passed and what it promised.
What- This article focuses on the people of Colorado and businesses. This is important because it was written right after the amendment passed and it's hopes for the future, so I can see what we wanted before everything actually happened.
Where-  This is a report done by the Drug Policy Alliance Organization that is relatively new, because it is new and created by a person that helped pass the legalization of marijuana, it might be skewed in favor of it.
Who- This article doesn't have a specific author, but the organization was created by Ethan Nadelman. He got his Ph.D from Harvard, and he taught at Princeton. He has a lot of good credentials but is very pro-legalization so he has a bias.
When- There is no exact date on the report, but the title states that it is a one-year-later report. Because it isn't specifically stated, it makes it hard to really understand when it was written, but because it talks about the affects one-year-later, I believe that I can really pay attention to the reports on crime and revenue that it talks about.
What- This article represents kids, the government, and crime reports. This is important to pay attention to because they are huge stakeholders in the legalization of marijuana and it talks about how the legalization has only benefited the state of Colorado. Because the author is so bias, I would't expect for there to be any negative statistics and for them to only state the positive.

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