Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

For my first peer review, I went over James Parisi's blog, and scored his QRG draft using this rubric.  I found that I really needed to step up my draft because James' blows mine out of the water. I definitely need to make it into a Google doc, so it's not just on my blog, and from there I can format it better and start to add my photos and graphs. I also know that I need to go into more detail on my draft so it starts coming together as a final project. However, I do think that my stakeholders and their interests are filled out in my draft and are pretty well put together. In James Parisi's draft, I noticed that he didn't really have a when or a who. He kinda expanded on who, but I know that he can find more stakeholders and really expand on the two he already has. He also needs to put in more of a time frame to understand the when because it isn't really clear when this controversy started or the events that made it truly controversial. However, I really liked how he formatted it on his blog, I didn't really get very creative with mine and I need to work on that. I also liked how he used pictures and a lot of hyperlinks because it showed his credibility and made it interesting. I know that I need to add some more pictures and I need to format my QRG better. Overall, he did a great job and I really enjoyed reading his post.

LoCricchio, Jianna "Screenshot of James Parisi's Blog" 02/09/16

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