Sunday, April 24, 2016

Editorial Report 13b

This is my editorial report that compares and contrasts my segment on Stanford. I am sorry again for the videos, but it is way easier to record my screen than to export the videos after cutting them down!

Here is the rough cut

Here is the revised version 

Content Change
As for content, I rewrote and recorded a new script, I also had new footage that helped correlate what I was saying with my pictures. I changed this segment from talking about the findings of a study, to more about their scatter plot and why it is so meaningful.

This is an important change because it helps me get my point across about how you don't have to have the grades and test scores and it can be other things or even just a game of chance that you got in.

Form Change
For form, I changed a lot. I changed my videos because I wanted what was on screen to better correlate with what I was talking about. I also changed the order of some of my photos and added a video from where I got my study so the viewer could see what I was talking about.

This really helps me clarify what I want to say and why it is important. It shows that what Im saying is backed up by evidence and it makes the point come across easier. 

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