Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report

This is an editorial report for my affirmative action video and what I have changed about it.

Rough Cut (just watch the video)

Re-edited version  

When I found this news clip, I thought it would be really great to use in my video because it states what affirmative action is, what it was created for, and what it has become today. However, this clip talked a lot about a specific case, but I didn't need that for my video so I had to cut it down some.

1) Because I only cut down parts of the video, the content is technically still the same. However, by omitting parts of the video and editing it to just talk about affirmative action and not a legal case, this made the information more clear and concise.

This way, the video is really only saying what it needs to say without getting my viewers confused with a legal case that I won't be mentioning in my video. I wanted to use this source because it is a credible and professional news outlet and I thought it would build my credibility.

2) The form is still a video. This wasn't my video to begin with, but I recorded it to my computer, and then cut out parts that aren't revenant to my video essay. The form is still the same, but it is shorter, more concise, and clearly gets to the point that I want my viewers to understand.

This "cut down" version is way more effective and useful for me because it is from a credible source and it only talks about what affirmative action is and why its important.

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