Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

This blog is a peer review for a colleague in my class section.

This is a peer review for Jake Gyles's content outline which you can find by clicking here.

I decided make an outlining suggestion for Jake's content outline which gives him suggestions on how to make his outline better, if it meets the rhetorical situation requirements and if his outline is going to make a good project.

I think I gave Jake a few suggestions on where he could find some more information and how I thought that his flow was really good! I think that if he has credible sources to back up his claims and evidence, he will have a great project!

From the student's guide, I focused on credible sources and organization. When making an outline, you are basically setting up you're entire project so it is really important to have it organized and to have something that will flow for the reader. I think hat Jake really has a good outline because the main focus points were interesting and he had good points and evidence to back them up. He didn't have any links in his outline, so hopefully he has credible sources because they make or break you. If you want to say something but you don't have anything to back it up, you might not be taken seriously.

I really liked Jake's outline. I think that the project will be really good and I am excited to see it! I thought his topic was really interesting and it is a huge problem in the US and I think that since he has personal stories, he will really be able to connect to the topic. I liked how he organized his outline and I thought that it was well thought out. I hope that mine flows that easily and grabs reader's attention like his caught mine.

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