Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for James Fusaro

This a peer review on James Fusaro's Production Schedule and ways that I think I can help him!

I selected the resource recommendation of the production schedule for James because I think that the better he works on his individual paragraphs, the easier he will finish his project and the less stress he will have!

I think that I helped James by recommending the Think Tank. A lot of people don't know that they offer writing help and resources so it is a great way to get your essay read and revised. I think that they suggestion will really help James because if he works on his essay one paragraph at a time (according to his schedule) this will be an easy way to write a paragraph and get it revised so you can work on them all at different times and aren't stuck doing the whole essay revision at once!

I incorporated the use of resources and time management form the Student's Guide because I think they are both really important for having a great essay. If he has people to help review and give him good suggestions on each of his paragraphs, he will have an easy time putting it all together in the end.

I really liked how simple his outline was because I tend to overwrite and think too much. He told me what he was going to do, where he was going to do it and everything he needed in less than a half of page.

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