Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Coby Allred

This blog is a peer review for Coby on his research report and how I think I helped him with my suggestions and how I can learn from it next time!

For this peer review I selected the research recommendation activity because I think research is a huge part of this project. It is all about a controversy so you need the facts to take a stance.

I think I helped make Coby's work better by suggesting to find more sources from smaller websites. I think that a controversy like this would be covered extensively in the news and if it was talked about by smaller hosts, then you know that it is a big story that reaches a lot of people. I also think that my provided feedback about the author credibility was important because now he knows he can go fourth into making his project with the sources he collected.

From the Student's Guide I really stressed the importance of credibility of an author. I think that all of his authors that he listed were more than credible and I thought it was really great of him to find the research on those people that were close to the problem.

I really liked Coby's layout and the fact that he had another header called "extra" for each source. I thought that was interesting because he knew it would be information that would really help him when he was making his project. I think that having an "extra" header when needed would be really helpful for me to explain why I found that article useful and how I can use it in my upcoming project.

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