Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production Schedule

This project has proved much more difficult to manage my time than the last two projects. I think that I really need a good schedule to follow so I can stay on track and not get too behind. I have a lot of work for my other classes, so I know I need to stay up to date with this one or I will go insane.

This blog is a production schedule for the next couple of weeks because I don't know what will be happening with my other classes in two weeks, this schedule is mostly for next week!

What needs to get done:

Today, I am working on finishing my last couple of blog posts for the week. I just need to write up a quick reflection and then do a couple of peer reviews.

 Next week I have to have to upload two production reports from my outline, basically some raw footage, do another reflection, and then another round of peer reviews.

Two weeks from now, I will be completing my project...Hooray! When I get that I will probably have to come up with a new production schedule because I will have to work it around my other classes. But basically I'll just be finishing the last rounds of blog posts and making the final touches to my project.

How to get the above done:

First, I really need to sit down and figure out what I want in my video and how I want it to be set up. I know I want to talk about the paying of student athletes and how I don't believe that they need a salary on top of everything they already get, but I need a unique approach so I'm still trying to figure that out. I also really need to plan this out well because this class is a lot of work, but I also need to focus on my other classes.

I then need to layout exactly how I want my video to be and what clips I want in it, and what I need to film myself. I don't want to just do a voice over for the video, I want to make it more like a youtube host where I am on video a lot.


Most likely I'll be in the comfort of my own bed or sitting in the library:) Also, if I figure out what I want for my personal footage and those locations are TBA

Date and Time:

Monday: Think about different video clips to upload and then make a video of me talking about why those clips are important.

Tuesday:  Put together the films for the two raw footage that I am going to upload.

Wednesday: Upload the two production reports and complete those blogs.

Thursday: Do the reflection blog post and continue to think more about what I want in my video.

Friday:  Finish the two peer reviews and hopefully read some people's reviews of my stuff so I can get some feedback that I can begin to work with.

Resources Required:

For this project, I will need my brain and my computer. I also think that I might want to interview some athletes, if I can get the chance, so I might need recording equipment, but Im not sure if I'm going down that path quite yet.

Date Completed:

I want to have my production week done before April 10th, so I can get a head start on the post production weeks.

I think that if I follow this schedule, it will give me ample time to figure out the direction I want this video to go in, and it will also allow me to get some good footage and get a video put together. I want this to be interesting and funny if possible...I just need some time to figure it out.

Changes Made: 

Because I made this production schedule mostly for next week, I know I will be making changes to everything after next week during post production. I will be re-editing them and putting them together better. Also, hopefully I will get some peer review feedback on what I upload, so that will  help me make some needed changes!


  1. Hi Jianna!
    Your schedule looks really good! I agree with you that time management for this project has been harder than the last two! Overall though, it looks like you will be able to do everything on time and won't have to rush if you follow your schedule. I thought it was smart how you have a lot of "wiggle" room. Good luck with the rest of your project!

  2. Hi Jianna,

    I think you have a great schedule here. I like how you have a lot of time to continue to think on your video. This should make it easy to find out what you want to do because you have so much time to figure it out. Stick to your schedule and you should be fine.

    Good Luck

  3. Hi Jianna,

    I think you have a great schedule here. I like how you have a lot of time to continue to think on your video. This should make it easy to find out what you want to do because you have so much time to figure it out. Stick to your schedule and you should be fine.

    Good Luck
