Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production Week

This blog is a reflection on my production week and what I thought were the highs and lows of my progress this week.

Ugh. Another stressful week.

This week's successes were getting my first production report done quickly and thats about it. I guess it was basically a miracle that I got my blog posts done and found another thing for my second production report.

Challenges? Basically this whole week was a challenge. Like I said before, It was a miracle that I got everything done this week, granted, I am on my fourth hour sitting at the library doing this, but hey, at least I'm doing it.

This week I had a rough time decided what to do for the rest of my project. Luckily I stumbled on Affirmative Action and it proved to be a great help for my project, but otherwise I was struggling. At the beginning of this week, I decided to change my project from the paying of college athletes, to the unfairness of college admission. I really thought that this was more personal and I could talk about how my friends got into amazing schools because they played sports, not because they deserved to be there academically. However, this ended up being a difficult topic because Colleges don't want to admit that they do weird things for admissions, so it is hard to find evidence and statistics proving this.

Next Week:
Hopefully ideas start flowing better and next week goes over smoother. I think that once I start really working on my project, everything will get better. I also need to go talk to the Prof so maybe he can help steer me in the right direction. I also think next week will be better because I will have more time to really focus on what I'm doing now that I finally settled on a topic.

Overall Feelings:
Meh. That is the only word that I can describe how I feel about this project so far. I'm not feeling that great, but I'm not feeling that meh. I just want to be able to find some hard evidence, statistics, graphs, or anything that I can use in my video essay. Once I fit a few more pieces together, surely I'll be golden....hopefully.

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