Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Sarah Moskowitz

This is a blog post that is a peer review on Sarah's Content outline which you can find by clicking here.

I decided to make an outlining suggestion on Sarah's content outline, because I think that the outline is really important to have suggestions on. Sarah will be following her outline and if she gets helpful suggestions on that, it will make it easier for her to do the work that she has outlined for herself to do.

I think that I helped Sarah by explaining different things she can add to really help her project. I suggested maybe interview parents and show that in her video. I think I helped because I gave a few easy suggestions that only add to her points!

From the Student's Guide I suggested the importance of entertainment, and things to make you more credible. I thought that incorporating professional studies and statistics, it would add to Sarah's credibility by having good reliable sources, it also gives the reader some real data to understand.

I really liked Sarah's outline of her outline (if that makes sense). It was very easy to read and it flowed logically. I struggled making my outline make sense, so next time I will probably look at her outline for some suggestions.

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