Sunday, April 17, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Finally I have my rough cut up and ready to be seen and reviewed. This has a link to my rough cut and I would really enjoy the feed back.

You can get to my rough draft of my video essay by clicking here.

Things you should know:

I've been working on this all day so please be constructive but not too mean! I think that I have a good structure but I would love to get some feedback on the length, content, and transitions. Does my information make sense? Does it logically flow? Can I cut anything out to make it shorter? I will also be adding music and more auditory background sounds later on!


I'm scared that this video is too long, but I'm not sure what I should cut out because it doesn't seem relevant. I would love if someone could tell me what I should keep and what I should get rid of.

I also am not sure if me being on screen so much works or if I get annoying so please let me know!


I really like my clips, I think that I use good rhetorical devices and I seem like a credible source. I also really like my transitions and I think that they will keep the viewer engaged. I think that I have good sources, and my information will keep you involved and wanting to learn more because it's easy to relate to if you're a college student!

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