Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Payton Leahy

This is my final peer review for the week...YAY!!!

This is a peer review for Payton Leahy's video essay on Freeing Kesha. I made some suggestions for her video essay regarding form because I think that it's really important for a video.

I really liked Payton's topic and information, but it wasn't a very entertaining video. First off, it is over 11 minutes long, which isn't too bad, but it's literally nothing but her talking on screen giving information. I feel like I kept zoning out because I just wasn't mentally engaged in the video. There was nothing really there that was stimulating and she only used music once and never included anyone else or any other pictures or video clips.

I think I helped Payton by suggesting that she should break down the video, do more voiceovers and add new footage or other pictures to help engage the viewer.

A suggestion from the Student's guide is that video essays include video, pictures, music, and voice elements. It is important to keep your viewer engaged, so you must have something interesting going on the screen.

One thing I really liked about Payton's video was her intro. I thought that it was engaging and I was expecting the rest of the video to be like that. I think that if she just follows suit with the music and passion she had in the beginning, her video will be great!

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